
Meet Peggy Kelly – International Iyengar Yoga Teacher

Peggy Kelly with BKS Iyengar
Peggy Kelly with BKS Iyengar

Peggy began teaching yoga in British Columbia over 30 years ago and has taught in Mexico, Europe, and the southwest United States. She is certified to teach and to recommend teachers for certification.

She has visited India often to study directly with BKS Iyengar, and his children Geeta and Prashant.  She studied Ayurveda with Bri. Maya Tiwari, David Farwley and the American Institute of Ayurveda,  where she received her certification in 2003.

Peggy is the founder of the Austin Iyengar Yoga, Texas and also participated in the establishment of the Iyengar Yoga National Association of the United States.   Peggy has studied yoga with Senior Yoga teachers in India, Europe, Canada, and the USA.  In addition to yoga and Ayurveda, Peggy studied “Insight Meditation” with Rodney Smith.

We are very proud to have Peggy here at Istmo Yoga and Adventure Retreat for a retreat starting on December 1st, 2017.  To register please contact – panamaiyengaryoga@gmail.com.

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